Learn how to write high quality automated web tests in Java with Selenium WebDriver.

Selenium WebDriver is a skill that every test automation specialist must master. But it is not as simple as it seems, and it is easy to end up writing code that is flaky and hard to maintain.

This course will teach you how to write Selenium WebDriver code that stands the test of time.

You will learn the fundamentals of working with Selenium WebDriver in Java. But you will learn by example how to write high quality automation code, robust selectors, as well as more advanced concepts such as Page Objects.

Once you have mastered the fundamentals of Selenium WebDriver, you will be able to move on to more advanced topics such as writing low maintenance, high reuse automated tests with Serenity BDD and the Screenplay pattern.

We are currently expanding this course to include Web testing with Serenity BDD. New modules will be added every couple of weeks.

Course Curriculum

  • 1

    Introduction to Automated Web Testing with Selenium WebDriver

    • Introduction

    • Webdriver Essentials

    • Exercises

    • Quiz

  • 2

    Locators and forms

    • Introduction

    • WebDriver Locators

    • Web Element Forms

    • Exercises

    • Quiz

  • 3

    Writing Good Web Tests

    • Introduction

    • Writing Good Web Tests Part 1

    • Exercises

    • Writing Good Web Tests Part 2

    • Exercises

  • 4

    Working with Page Objects

    • Webdriver Page Objects

    • Exercises

    • Quiz

About the instructor

Author of BDD in Action

John Ferguson Smart

John is an international speaker, consultant, author and trainer well known in the Agile community for his many books, articles and presentations, particularly in areas such as BDD, TDD, test automation, software craftsmanship and team collaboration.John helps organisations and teams around the world deliver better software sooner through more effective collaboration and communication techniques, and through better technical practices.John is the author of the best-selling BDD in Action, as well as Jenkins: The Definitive Guide and Java Power Tools.Very active in the Open Source community, John also leads development on the innovative Serenity BDD test automation library, described as the "best opensource selenium webdriver framework".