Behaviour Driven Development, or BDD, is an extremely effective software delivery practice that helps teams collaborate better and focus on delivering features that really matter. Cucumber is by far the most widely-used BDD tool in the market. And Serenity BDD adds world-class living documentation and reporting, and makes it easier for teams to automate their BDD acceptance criteria using robust and sustainable test automation practices in Java. Together, they make a powerful combination.

In this self-paced course for testers and developers, you will learn about both BDD theory and practices, and also how to write high quality automated acceptance tests in Java using Cucumber and Serenity BDD. Plus you will learn invaluable tips and tricks about Cucumber and Serenity BDD from the authors of Serenity BDD.

Topics covered include:

  • Writing robust step definition methods
  • Writing high quality scenarios
  • Advanced Gherkin - using data tables and scenario outlines
  • Test automation architectures for real-world application - combining Cucumber and Serenity for more sustainable test suites
  • Organising your test suites - using tags and requirements hierarchies
  • Writing better automated web tests in Java with Serenity BDD and Cucumber
  • Testing REST APIs with Cucumber, Rest Assured and Serenity
  • Cucumber and the Screenplay pattern
  • Using Cucumber and Serenity for better reporting and living documentation

Course Curriculum

  • 1


    • Introduction

    • How does BDD work?

    • BDD and the Three Amigos

    • Key Lessons

    • Quiz

  • 2

    Your first executable specification

    • Introduction

    • Setting up your environment

    • Implementing your first scenario

    • Exercises

  • 3

    Example Mapping and Feature Mapping

    • Introduction

    • Example Mapping

    • Feature Mapping

    • Key Lessons

    • Quiz

  • 4

    Writing robust step definitions

    • Working with regular expressions

    • Quiz

  • 5

    Writing high quality scenarios

    • Organising your steps

    • Serenity Steps in action - part 1

    • Exercises

    • Serenity Steps in Action - part 2

    • Exercises

    • Quiz

  • 6

    Advanced Gherkin - data tables, scenario outlines, and more

    • Using scenario outlines

    • Embedding tables in your scenarios

    • Embedding tables in your scenarios - part 2

    • Exercises

    • Quiz

  • 7

    Writing better automated web tests with Serenity and Cucumber

    • Working with Serenity Page Objects in Cucumber

    • Writing more maintainable test suites using the Action Classes pattern

    • Writing more flexible test suites with Cucumber and the Screenplay pattern

  • 8

    Testing REST APIs with Cucumber, Rest Assured and Serenity

    • Writing BDD scenarios for REST APIs

    • Cucumber and Rest Assured (Part 1)

    • Cucumber and Rest Assured (Part 2)

  • 9

    Producing Living Documentation with Serenity and Cucumber

    • What is living documentation?

    • Requirements hierarchies in Serenity

    • Living Documentation in Serenity 2

    • Reporting Feature Coverage

    • Filtering your reports

  • 10

    Advanced Test Automation Topics

    • Parallel Test Execution with Cucumber 4

About the instructor

Author of BDD in Action

John Ferguson Smart

John is an international speaker, consultant, author and trainer well known in the Agile community for his many books, articles and presentations, particularly in areas such as BDD, TDD, test automation, software craftsmanship and team collaboration.John helps organisations and teams around the world deliver better software sooner through more effective collaboration and communication techniques, and through better technical practices.John is the author of the best-selling BDD in Action, as well as Jenkins: The Definitive Guide and Java Power Tools.Very active in the Open Source community, John also leads development on the innovative Serenity BDD test automation library, described as the "best opensource selenium webdriver framework".